Pirate Day - Year 1/2
A visiting theatre company will be coming in to perform a Pirate show to Year 1/2. Children are welcome to dress up like a Pirate for the day.
A visiting theatre company will be coming in to perform a Pirate show to Year 1/2. Children are welcome to dress up like a Pirate for the day.
Here are a few photos from our recent Year 1/2 trip to the Tesco supermarket in Bulwell. Children had a lovely time and thoroughly enjoyed all the different activities which included baking bread, tasting different foods and going behind the scenes in the shop.
In May 2016, children in Year 2 will be taking the first set of a new style of National Curriculum test to record their attainment at the end of primary school in maths and spelling, punctuation and grammar. Normally a reading test would also be administered in May alongside with the other tests. However the school will be carrying out the reading test early at the request of the government so that our scores, along with other selected schools' scores, can be used to produce the score boundaries. These will be used to decide whether children are working at the expected standard.
With the Year 1 Phonics Screening test fast approaching in June, this video may help with consolidating what they have learnt at school at home. This video shows how to pronounce each phoneme correctly up to Phase 3. Children will be taught blends and alternate graphemes in Phase 4 and 5.
KS1 children have been working hard at the multi-skills after-school club and a team of 12 shall be going for gold in the competion at Holgate Academy!
On the 18th December 2015, children in Blue, Yellow and Orange classes will be having a Christmas party. More details to follow.
On the 2nd November 2015 (the first day back), all the children in Blue, Orange and Yellow classes will be taking part in a hour long archery session. The children will be shown by an outside provider how to play archery. Please note the children will be using safety arrows. This links fantastically to our current Robin Hood topic. Thank you for the voluntary contributions which have enabled this activity to take place.