Year 1/2
Parents' Evening for KS1 and KS2 Classes
The autumn term Parents' Evening for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 takes place on the week beginning Monday November 13th. There are appointments available on Monday November 13th from 3pm - 5.30pm and on Thursday November 16th from 4pm - 7pm.
Using and applying maths games in Yellow Class
Towards the end of this year, the children have been using the skills they have been learning by playing different challenging maths games.
Inspired by their Victorian topic, children in Yellow Class tried out different Victorian inspired games.
Inspired by their Victorian topic, children in Yellow Class tried out different Victorian inspired games.
Year 1/2 Crich Tramway Museum - Photos
Useful educational websites containing games for Year 1/2
Yellow Class - creating a habitat project
Yellow Class have worked hard over the past few days to design and create animal habitats. We are incredibly proud of how hard all the children in the class have worked, ensuring that they created realistic homes for their chosen animals.
If you would like to see the habitats please feel free to come into the classroom one day after school (we have also sent a photo home with each child.)
Year 1/2 Christmas performance - Angel Express
Children in Blue, Orange and Yellow Classess are busy practising for their Christmas performances of the Angel Express.
Please remember if you have been asked to provide part of their costume (Year 1s need dark coloured clothing) that this needs to be brought into school by Friday 9th December in a named bag.
There will be two performances and these will take place in the school hall on the following dates:
• Wednesday 14th December at 2.00pm (this is a slightly later start time than previously mentioned)
KS1 Christmas Party
Letter to follow closer to the time.