Edgewood Sport Montage - 15/16
We've had a busy and great sporting year.
For those who missed it or those who want to watch again, please enjoy this video about the year we have had in sport!
All the best
Mr Williamson
Edgewood Sports Week - Monday
Edgewood Sports Week -
The weather held off today and allowed the children to enjoy the sunshine as well as the activities on offer.
Y5/6 enjoyed a day of climbing and slacklining. A lot of children faced their fears on the climbing wall, whether going up or putting their feet over the edge on the way down! Slacklining proved to be really popular, as children were finding interesting ways to gracefully dismount the tightrope! During some downtime, the children even managed to involve Mr Tidd in a competitive game of Nine Square!
Y5/6 Tri-Golf
The Tri-Golf team had a great time on Friday afternoon, competing in the competition at Selston High School. Well done to the whole team for ending the competition in a very close 2nd!
KS2 Boccia - District Final
A fine effort by the Edgewood Boccia team on Monday afternoon. 3rd place in the district final. Great work!
Yr 5/6 Girls Futsal
A squad of upto 10 girls will take part in this competition, looking to qualify for the final (date tba).