Useful learning websites for Key Stage One pupils
Listed below are some useful websites and online games that your child can access at home to consolidate their learning in different areas:
Listed below are some useful websites and online games that your child can access at home to consolidate their learning in different areas:
Homework Club for all children in years 3 to 6 starts at 8:30 every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Simply sign in at the office and Mrs McDonald will be available to support your child with space and resources they need to complete their work.
In May 2017, children in Year 6 will be taking the new style of National Curriculum test to record their attainment at the end of primary school. These tests are used to assess all Year 6 children in the country, and to provide information to pass to secondary schools. You can read more about the structure and content of the tests by watching the video at the foot of this page, or by downloading this free guide:
As part of our school improvement priorities we are doing a lot of work on Growth Mindset. The best way for me to explain this to you is by showing you a PowerPoint presentation Mrs Mould has put together, (download here) or to direct you to a video presentation by Carol Dweck who has done lots of work on Growth Mindset. This link is to the video on YouTube:
As I'm sure you're aware the new National Curriculum has a much greater emphasis on grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS or SPAG). In school we are doing lots of work to help pupils prepare for the demands of the new curriculum but we thought it would be useful to share some of the key vocubulary if you so you can support your child at home. The document below was sent to us from SATs Companion website and is designed as a really useful placemat so children can refer to it but we thought it would also be a useful guide for parents or children at home.