Edgewood Primary School celebrates VE DAY extra 2
On Friday 8th May 2020, the country celebrated 75 years since peace in Europe was announced. As a commuity we celebrated across the county in different ways.
On Friday 8th May 2020, the country celebrated 75 years since peace in Europe was announced. As a commuity we celebrated across the county in different ways.
The children have been very busy at home preparing for VE Day on 8th May. They have made flags, decorations and pictures too. Some children have also done some baking based on 1940's recipes. We have lots more work to come and hope you enjoy looking through the photographs of everyones hard work. Well done everybody.
Please speak to your child's teacher if you wish to book an appointment. You will have the opportunity to look at your child's work and ask any questions.
Please speak to your child's teacher if you wish to book an appointment. You will have the opportunity to look at your child's work and ask any questions.
Ticket only. There are some remaining tickets for this performace.
10.30 - Ticket only. This performance is fully booked.
Our Christmas party is on Monday 19th December. You will recieve a letter with a food or drink request to bring in. Children are able towear suitable party clothes.
Many of the staff in school decided to contribute items of food towards food hampers for families at Christmas. Many people find Christmas a difficult and expensive time so we thought that we would like to contribute towards the 'Engage'project at 'Under one roof' that regularly provides food parcels to families throughout the year. They are currently providing parcels to approxmately 70 families in the area.
If you know of any families that might appreciate a little extra help, please let someone know and we will signpost you to people that could help.
Everyone in school was invited to wear red and white to reflect the colours of the England flag. During assemblies throughout the week, the children lstened to the story of St George, Patron Saint of England, and sung happy birthday to the Queen at 90.
Tuesday 15th December 2015
We will be holding our party during the afternoon. Letters have gone out with food donation requests. Please speak to a member of staff if you are unsure what to send in. Hopefully we will be recieving a very special visitor. Keep your fingers crossed.