As part of our new website you will find all our relevant school policies easily accessible in school information.
The leadership of the school, including our governing body, take our time to make sure these policies are as thorough and easy to understand as we can so please make sure you read them. If you are short of time can I ask that you read the three that probably most often cause misunderstandings in school. These are the behaviour policy, attendance policy and parental concerns process.
Our behaviour policy covers all areas around our positive encouragements for promoting good behaviour, as well as the sanctions we use if children misbehave. Please take the time to understand these so you are aware of what we expect from your children and what you and they should expect from us. If you have any questions please ask your child's teacher first.
Our attendance policy has recently changed and does now include guidance on when we migt issue penalty notices as well as start and finish times for the school day. There is a shorter, parent friendly version that summarises the key points as well as the full version and the local authorities guidance on issuing penalty notices. Any questions please speak to your class teacher or, if they can't help, come and ask me.
Finally our parental concerns process is designed to help you resolve all issues that might crop up with school as quickly as possible and most effectively. This starts with the clear message of talking to your class teacher as soon as possible as they are the key person regarding your child's education. It then says the best next step to take if that doesn't work.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read these as it will help you and school work in a true partnership to ensure your children's education is the most effective it can be.
Ed Seeley