It has come to our attention this week that many of our children have accounts, pages and channels on various online or social media platforms. The age-limits for these platforms is usually 13 and in some cases, 16.
We have spoken to the Year 5/6 children this week but we are also going to continue working with all pupils within the school around keeping themselves safe online. We sent a letter home to all the parents in Year 5/6 yesterday. If you didn’t get one please find it here on our website,
The video we showed to the Year 5/6 children is from CEOP and highlights the risks that even seemingly harmless information being shared can cause. If you haven’t seen it please watch it
There is also more information online on CEOP (for children aged 8-10 and parents,, Safer Internet Centre (, NSPCC ( and Internet ( amongst many others.
Please have a look at these videos / websites and speak with your children this weekend. As a school we have reports that children are being specifically targeted on some social media and we hear some harrowing tales. We do not want any child from Edgewood to be a victim of anything like this.
We will be holding a parent workshop before the summer holidays. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you would like any advice before that session.