How to find our school

If you are a visitor to our school please use the postcode NG15 6SP.  This should bring you to our car park on Edward Close.

School Visitors

For anyone visiting our school please feel free to park in our car park and block staff cars in so that you do not park on the road and inconvenience our neighbours.


Can parents please not use the school car park as it is likely that you may be blocked in by staff or other visitors.

If possible please walk or cycle to school with your child but if you have to drive then please park with the greatest of consideration for the local residents.  Please do not block driveways, park on corners or in ways that could obstruct views and make the road dangerous for other users. 

Contact us

Edgewood Primary School
Edgewood Drive
NG15 6HX

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0115 9561337